Monday, March 18, 2019

The Facts and Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling

Increasingly, more research is uncovering the connection between oral health and the wellbeing of the entire body – the mouth/body connection is real. A dysbiotic oral depression has been shown to increase the risk of systemic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, respiratory illnesses and diabetes. Coconut oil pulling is an inexpensive and effective practice that can improve the balance of microorganisms in the mouth, which in turn can keep your overall body healthy. 

Oil pulling is the ancient Ayurvedic practice of swishing oil in and around the mouth, drawing out toxins. This practice has shown immediate results for various oral issues including halitosis, gum disease and plaque buildup. Using an oil pulling mouthwash routinely can even clear the skin, brighten teeth, decrease joint pain and improve body odor. 

The importance of better oral hygiene
The equilibrium of microorganisms is a major factor in the body’s overall wellbeing. When unbalanced, the microorganisms in the mouth can cause periodontal disease. Various studies, including an extremely comprehensive report done at the University Of Alabama School Of Dentistry, have demonstrated a connection between periodontal disease and an increased risk of stroke and dementia. 

A common microscopic organism found in the mouth is Streptococcus mutans and when left unchecked will build up, causing tooth decay and dumping toxins into the blood stream. These toxins increase the inflammatory-related cytokine Interleukin-12, also called IL-12, which play an important role in the immune system. Elevated levels of IL-12 are the primary cause of endothelial dysfunction, which is associated with coronary disease, stroke, and dementia. You can help your body to avoid these illnesses with the simple practice of daily oil pulling

Oil pulling – better than brushing and flossing
Brushing and flossing are essential for oral cleanliness: however, oil pulling has some extraordinary advantages. Oil pulling traps and disposes of more toxins, reaching deep pockets inside the teeth, gum and root trenches that brushing and flossing alone cannot.

It is not recommended to replace brushing with oil pulling, but rather to add an oil pulling mouthwash as an extra step in your oral care routine. 

The best way to practice oil pulling
There are wide ranges of approaches to do oil pulling. Here are the most frequently asked questions about oil pulling.

What is the best oil to use for oil pulling?
It’s best to use a good organic oil, for example coconut oil, olive oil or sesame oil. Organic coconut oil is the preferred choice, as it contains antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. You can use any preferred brand.  

Is it necessary to use essential oil?
While it’s not necessary to use essential oil, you may want to add an antimicrobial essential oil, such as tea tree oil, oregano oil or lemon oil, to your carrier oil. Or you could use an essential for flavor. Only use one little drop as these oils can be potent.

The advantage of adding an antimicrobial essential oil is that it can enhance the detox process of oil pulling. Give it a try for a week and see what you think – it certainly won’t harm you.

How to do oil pulling?
Place about 1/2 tsp of oil and one drop of essential oil in your mouth. “Pull” the oil through the teeth and around the gums for 10-15 minutes. If you are new to oil pulling, start out at 5 minutes and work your way up to 15 minutes. Don’t gargle with the oil, simply swish it all around. Do not swallow the oil as it contains the bacteria you just pulled from your mouth.

After swishing, spit the oil out in the trash. Rinse with some fresh water, with a touch of salt if you’d like. Brush your teeth to help remove any toxins that may have remained in your mouth. 

How often should I do oil pulling?
Oil pulling can be done anywhere from 1-4 times day by day, depending on your dental health. For example, somebody who has a root canal or recent invasive dental work can pull 3-4 times daily.
If your oral health is good, we suggest swishing 1-2 daily - once in the morning and once in the evening.
What is he best time for oil pulling?
Oil pulling can be done anytime of the day, whenever you can spare 10-15 minutes. Ideally, you pull first thing in the morning as that’s when there are the most bacteria in your mouth and once again before you go to bed at night. 

How long before I notice the benefits of oil pulling?
Many people see results within fourteen days of starting an oil pulling routine. However, your mouth will feel cleaner immediately. The most common immediate benefits are whiter teeth, fresher breath, improved body odor, less joint pain, and improved vitality. The long-term benefits for systemic health are priceless, as outlined above. Oil pulling is straightforward, simple, and effective.
Now you have understood just how important oral health is and how daily coconut oil pulling can help maintain that health of your mouth and overall wellness. Masigi makes the best oil pulling mouthwash available, and the individual single serve packets make it easy to incorporate oil pulling into your daily routine. They create 100% organic products at affordable prices. Email them at or visit their website at to learn more.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Surprising Benefits of Using Ayurvedic Coconut Oil Pulling Packets

Are you experiencing any issues with your teeth, or throat or even skin? Heard of Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling? It could be just what you are looking for. The simple practice of oil pulling has surprising benefits. If you swish every day, you can obtain awesome results. Coconut oil pulling packets that come in pre-portioned individual servings make it even easier to make oil pulling part of your daily routine, allowing you to pull whenever and where ever it’s convenient for you.

Here are some benefits of using Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling packets that may surprise you!

Teeth Whitening
There is no need for any harsh teeth whitening chemicals, all you need are Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling packets! Oil pulling is a natural process that aids in eliminating unwanted bacteria from the teeth that cause plaque. The most effective coconut oil pulling packets create a synergetic blend that contain antiviral and antibiotic properties that keep the teeth clean, bright and pearly white.

Coconut oil pulling packets

Boost Your Energy

Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling helps our immune system stay healthy. Toxins that remain in the body can make you feel sick, tired and can cause inflammation. Coconut oil pulling packets pulls these toxins out and reduces the amount of energy your body needs to fight infections or harmful bacteria. Less effort used to fight these toxins means more energy your body can use in other ways.

Minimize Hormonal Changes as You Age

If the Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling packets are used as instructed, it can help remove those toxins that disturb the hormonal balance or its functional ability in our body.  Hormones can function effectively and naturally, all with simple coconut oil pulling packets.

Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling packets


The mouth is one of the primary gateways through witch germs and bacteria enter our body. If allowed to build up, these germs can spread from the mouth to the rest of the body, causing various complications. Coconut oil pulling can be an excellent detoxification method, for both the mouth and the entire body.


The benefits of Ayurvedic coconut oil pulling packets are extensive. The potentially harmful bacteria are removed before making it to the bloodstream, minimizing dryness, rashes and other skin disorders. Using coconut oil pulling packets on a regular basis can bring a surprisingly natural and radiant shine to your skin.


Are you new to oil pulling? Discover Ayurveda coconut oil pulling packets with Masigi. Made with organic coconut oil and essential oils, Masigi has two delicious flavors to choose from, FRESH and BOOST. Masigi is a premium company in the USA that conscientiously sources its oils with nothing added, nothing removed! Feel free to email Masigi at to place your order today.